4 Survey Mistakes & How to Avoid Them 🙅‍♀️

Aug 31, 2022

At our last Small School Leaders meetup, part of the discussion was about surveys, so I figured this might be a good topic to share. If our Small School Leaders are thinking about it, I bet others are as well. These common school survey mistakes are easily avoidable and make all the difference! 

  Inconsistency. By sticking to a survey schedule, you give parents what they expect and get easily trackable data. 

❌  Not using anonymous surveys. This is so important! If you don't give parents an outlet to voice their concerns, they may turn into the "silent but deadly ones," i.e., the ones who unexpectedly unenroll or even gossip. 

❌  Not reporting back. If you don't tell parents how you used the results of the survey to make X, Y, Z changes, they'll feel like their voices were not heard.

❌  Not asking marketing questions.  Asking your current families' social media & engagement behaviors will clue you into what your prospective families want to see. 

I'm always looking to learn and appreciate feedback as well as insight. If you have any survey tips or questions, or would care to share your surveys, our Small School Leadership Resources is a good place to begin. Join the FREE Small School Leaders monthly meetup to find the support and connection you've been looking for!