☃️ 5 Ways to Showcase Your Value Proposition This Season

Nov 15, 2021

Hi friends! 

This November, December, and January is the ultimate time to showcase your value proposition! 

Yes, that's right, we're in gratitude season. Some of these strategies may seem like a given, but it's so easy to let many of these easy practices fall off your plate. 

Instead, I encourage you to be mindful of the ways you not only show your appreciation for your parents, students, and staff, but how you showcase those magic moments ✨ happening at your school right now.

Here are 5 ways you can do that: 

1. Share your traditions that are taking place with your wider community 

2. Use soft touches in your admissions list 

3. Save the ask for later. Use this special time to focus on gratitude. 

4. Get faculty & staff involved. (I saw one school include all their handwritten signatures in their holiday cards & newsletters!) It was a small touch that made all the difference. 💌

5. Gratitude videos to send out to your current families & extended community 

Are you using any of these strategies at your school? I'd love to see some of the creative ways you're showcasing your value proposition around the holidays. 🎄

Let's connect, Dec 9th, at our next Small School Leaders meetup—which also happens to be the LAST ONE of 2021! Sign-up here. 🤗
