How to Plan Your Marketing Budget for Next Year

Jan 04, 2021

Hello there, 

Today we're going to be talking about your marketing budget because early 2021 is the time to think about next year. 

I want to focus on return on investment, as it's a key part of deciding your budget.

So, look at each area of your budget and ask yourself this—Is this getting more students in the door, retaining the ones we have, or making marketing and development easier? If not, it's not worth keeping. It's not giving you a return on your investment. 

Another important aspect of considering your budget is what you can do to create more time for high impact projects.

Which projects going to make a difference in the next year? 

What can I delete, delegate, or outsource, to focus on the projects that will move my school forward? 

What predictions can I make for the coming year to best plan my budget? 

Yes, there are a lot of aspects up in the air regarding retention and enrollment that are going to have a direct impact on budget and planning. However, if you plan now for multiple scenarios, you will be best prepared when the time comes. 

These are the critical questions you need to be asking right now, and they're going to save you long-term.

I'd love to hear how your budgeting and planning are going right now, and as always, we are here to help! Want to talk? Schedule a call with me! 
