The 4 Keys 🔑 to Retention

Sep 01, 2021

Hey there, 

Today we're diving into the exciting world of retention!

This is the time to focus on those retention efforts because, at the beginning of the school year, you're making first impressions for those new families, as well as maintaining relationships with returning families. 

I'm going to urge you to practice the 4 keys of retention. These 4 strategies are so crucial because I've seen them result in a 99% retention rate when they're executed properly. 

Now, it's important that you are practicing all 4 of these strategies! I promise you it won't be as effective overall if you're only using 2 or 3 of them. 

1. Showcase your value and connect your families to what their children are doing in the classroom. 

2. Connect your parents your teachers. Your families are handing over their children to learn from your teachers. As a parent, I know firsthand that I want to be able to trust and connect with my own children's teachers! 

3. Encourage peer-to-peer connection by forming peer groups and arranging gatherings, especially in preschool and elementary school. Friendships and connections will allow your families to stay invested in your school! 

4. Connect your parents to their child's experience. *This is the most important!* Parents want to know, and always be reassured, that their child is thriving socially, emotionally, and academically. 

How are your retention efforts going this year? Remember—all of these keys are centered around connection! So keep that in mind this year. 

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