How to Put on an Incredible Virtual Event w/Kira Dickson & Christine Hickey
May 19, 2021Hey there,
Today I'm joined by two of my favorite small school leaders, Kira Dickson & Christine Hickey from St.Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal School. Kira is the Director of Admissions & Athletics and Christine is the Director of Development & Marketing.
They were kind enough to share their process in putting on some amazing virtual events at their school, as well as their strategies and insights moving forward into the 2021-22 school year.
While we're slowly shifting back to in-person events, many schools are still facing restrictions on the number of people who can attend an event. This means that schools are weighing the pros and cons of virtual vs. in-person for particular events, and some virtual events are more feasible for the time being.
So I'm curious—how is your school handling virtual and in-person events this summer & fall? Have you decided that some events stay virtual? Please share your thoughts with us at our next Small School Leaders meet-up June 10th at 12pm EDT. See you there!