Why You Need to Engage Your Not-So-New Parents

Aug 30, 2021

Hi there!

Let's talk about your not-so-new parents. You know what I'm talking about—those families who joined your school in 2020.

They're not necessarily new, but they have not yet gotten the true experience of your school. They might be familiar with some aspects of your school, but chances are they are feeling a bit disconnected. 

These families are the ones, in addition to your new families, that need some TLC at the beginning of this year. Introduce them to the community, connect them with peers, show them your traditions, goals, and aspirations. 

So I hope this can serve as a friendly reminder to not forget about those beloved 2020 parents! This will not only allow them to feel more connected, but it will help with your overall retention efforts. 

Let me know, how are you engaging your not-so-new families this year? 😉

If you're looking for more retention strategies and ideas, join our next Small School Leaders meetup on Friday, Sept. 17th at 12PM EDT, where we'll be talking about Fall Marketing & Retention Strategies. I would love to see you there!
