Buyer's Remorse in Independent Schools Oct 16, 2020

Hi there, 

Today we are talking about buyer's remorse.

Buyer's remorse is real. As a school, you may think this doesn't apply to you because your parents aren't exactly buyers.

However, your school IS a product, and your parents ARE buyers. Especially for 2021, we need to be...

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5 Steps To Rocking Your One-Person Small School Shop Oct 16, 2020

Hello there, 

As small school professionals with limited personnel and resources, many of us are running our "one-person shops."

With a small team myself and A LOT of daily tasks to accomplish, I know what it's like, and have a few tips to get more done and to make that one-person shop even...

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The One Question Schools Forget to Ask Parents Oct 15, 2020

Hi everyone, 

Today I have for you the one question we forget to ask parents, and this is especially important for new parents. 

For example, let's say you call a new parent and ask how their child is doing. They might not feel comfortable enough yet to be completely honest or give you...

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