Marketing Minute: Admissions Events, ROI and Conversions
Nov 12, 2022We're going to talk about Admissions Events, their return on investment, and conversions. So let's start with admissions events. Oftentimes as schools, we just do events because they've always been done. But really we need to track the return on investment. We need to consider the return on staff investment, and the return on investment for funds. I mean, those events aren't cheap. So looking at like the outcomes, what sort of conversions you see, and figuring out if it was worth the time, energy, and resources will go a long way towards knowing if they are truly reaping the benefits expected.
The other piece of admissions we want to talk about is conversions. So hopefully you're tracking everything through your admissions process, and have a reliable system in place to know what is working for you. It's really important to look at your funnel and figure out what the conversions are for each step in the funnel, and then figure out how to optimize that.
A lot of times schools make the mistake of just thinking they need to put more people in the top of the funnel it will make things better when actually they could have equally as good results if they just tweaked their funnel a little bit and worked on their conversions.
If you would like to know more about ROI and Conversions check out these blogs
- How to Determine ROI on Events & Initiatives for Your Private School
- 3 Admissions Funnels to Boost Enrollment (That Aren't Open Houses)
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