πŸ“ΈπŸ“ Our Top 3 Photo Card Apps & How to Use Them in Your Retention Plan πŸ“šπŸ€³ Aug 05, 2023

Today, we are diving into the world of photo card apps and exploring how they can help us connect, thank, and engage with our parents and families as part of a comprehensive retention plan. We all know that building strong relationships with our school community is essential for...

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Summer Project: Tools & Software for Admissions, Marketing & Development Teams to Explore Apr 26, 2023

Summer is a great time to explore potential tools that can save you and your school team time and money.  Start by making a list of tasks that are repetitive or time-consuming.

  • Where are you spending your energy and time?
  • Is it on content creation or social media posting?
  • Perhaps...
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What Tools Should I Use to Survey School Families? Apr 22, 2023

When thinking about survey tools, there are 3 questions you should be asking. What budget am I working with, how often am I using it, and what is my staff's ability to utilize this tool? Let's talk.

It's all about resources.

  • If you only do one or two surveys a year, investing in an expensive...
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8 Game-Changing Apps & Tools For Your School Apr 06, 2021

Hey there, 

Today we're diving into 8 of my favorite apps & tech tools! I recommend trying these out, as a lot of them can be really helpful for your school, your team, and your productivity. 

Here they are, in no particular order:

Voxer — This app is what you get when you ...

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