It is hard to fail, but it is even worse to not succeed Sep 12, 2022

I love this quote because it's so true. We live so much of our lives in fear.

Fear of disappointing.

Fear of failing.

Fear of hoping.

Fear of succeeding.

And when we listen to these fears, we end up not trying.

This can look like not trying a different marketing strategy or continuing...

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5 Ways to Integrate & Connect New Families at Your Private School Now Apr 16, 2022

 Hi there,

Let's talk about those new families that want to know about your school. How can we make them feel connected and integrate them into your community?  

I’ll tell you how…

1.) Invite them to your year-end celebration 

So if it's Spring and you have...

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The Do's & Don'ts of Summer Community Building Events Apr 16, 2022

Hi there,

 During this time of year, I hope you're taking advantage of this summer and are scheduling those community-building events  Why?

The data we've collected reveals that people are feeling disconnected. No big surprise there, given the pandemic. So I advise...

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Rebuilding Your School Community for Both New and Current Parents Mar 18, 2022

 Hi there,

In receiving our end-of-year surveys, there is a clear reoccurring theme...Families want community. Not just new families, but everyone

The last couple of years have been hard on our communities, and because of this, we haven't been able to fully return to a place where we...

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