Marketing Your Small School is Holistic, Here's How! 🤩 Aug 08, 2022

I meet with lots of Heads of School and administrators and I'm sometimes very surprised by their view of marketing.

Some schools think marketing is about digital ads, email sequences, brand awareness, communications, SEO, and social media.

Yes, marketing is all of those things. But it's also...

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📑 📲 Print Materials vs Digital: Which is Best for Your School? Jan 21, 2022

 Hi there!

Last week during our Small School Leaders Meetup, a key hot topic came up: Print Materials vs. Digital, what’s the best option for your school? 

 Here are some tips on how to determine what’s right for you!

Recently, small schools have been reevaluating...

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Independent School Retention Using the Connect 4 Framework Jan 21, 2022

Hi there!

As we all know - it costs more money, time, energy, and frustration to get prospective families into our school rather than keeping the families we already have and love.

 By implementing the Connect 4 Framework, you’ll be sure to boost your school’s retention...

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4 Communications to Send Current Parents January through March Jan 08, 2022

Hi there,

 You're probably wondering: why January through March? Well, this is a key retention time point.

It's a period where parents are asking themselves, "do we opt out of the school or stay?" and "I'm spending X amount of dollars every year, is it worth it?"  


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