How to Be Strategic with Your Next Marketing Hire Aug 27, 2021

Hi friends, 

Are you getting ready to hire for a new marketing position at your school? If so, this is for you! 

I've seen a lot of small and independent schools posting their job descriptions and responsibilities for marketing positions. If you're currently in this process, I want to...

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3 Admissions Tips from Small School Leaders Jun 11, 2021

Hi friends!

Today I'm sharing some admissions & retention strategies to keep families at your school! These came from our most recent Small School Leaders meetup, where we heard some inspiring tips that you can use at your school. 

1. Shift the mindset. This means showcasing from the...

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How To Practice Holistic & Strategic Marketing Dec 09, 2020

Hello today! 

I'm here today to define and discuss holistic and strategic marketing. I think there is a common misconception that marketing is all about websites, social media, email, etc. However, in the marketing world we are beginning to see marketing redefined as one holistic piece that...

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