4 Survey Mistakes & How to Avoid Them 🙅‍♀️ Jun 25, 2021

Hey there, 

These common school survey mistakes are easily avoidable and make all the difference! 

  Inconsistency. By sticking to a survey schedule, you give parents what they expect and get easily trackable data. 

  Not using anonymous surveys. This is so important! If...

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How to Use FAQs to Overcome Objections Jun 17, 2021

Hey there!

It's summer!   It's also your golden opportunity to work on your admissions, specifically—FAQs. 

Frequently asked questions are so important! By having them laid on your website, in videos, or even on social media, you're prepared to overcome any objections parents...

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5 Ways to Express Gratitude Around the Holidays 🎁 🎄 Nov 11, 2020

Hello today! 

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it's extremely important this winter more than ever to get creative with expressing gratitude to your families for sticking with you through an extremely difficult and unexpected year. 

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on...

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5 Copywriting Mistakes Independent Schools Make That Hurt Communication & Connection Oct 16, 2020

Hey there, 

Today we're discussing the 5 biggest copywriting mistakes you are making that are hurting your school. 

Communication is extremely important, especially now during COVID-19, so let's dive in! 

Here's the cheat sheet for what you SHOULD be doing: 

1. Act like you...

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The One Question Schools Forget to Ask Parents Oct 15, 2020

Hi everyone, 

Today I have for you the one question we forget to ask parents, and this is especially important for new parents. 

For example, let's say you call a new parent and ask how their child is doing. They might not feel comfortable enough yet to be completely honest or give you...

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