What is a small school? Oct 01, 2022

At our last Small School Leaders meet-up, an interesting question arose. What is a small school?

"I'm not sure this gathering is for me,'" said a colleague from a school with 400 students. This came after a school with 75 students commented that a school of 300 seemed large. Another colleague...

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The Importance of Setting Expectations & Modeling Aug 16, 2021

Hi friends, 

This is the time of year that it's so important to make sure you are setting expectations for your families. This is especially significant as safety protocols change and new families come in!

The biggest mistake that I see schools make is assuming that everyone knows what is...

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How to Use LinkedIn Ads at Your School w/Angie Ward Jul 26, 2021

Hi there! 

Today I'm excited to chat with Angie Ward of Enroll Media Group about the power of using LinkedIn Ads at your school. 

Many schools use Facebook, Instagram, and Google for their advertising, and while those are great tools, LinkedIn advertising allows for...

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Is Your School Disappointing Families? Mar 01, 2021

Hey there,

It's the COVID era of admissions, and what that means for small independent schools is that you're likely working on overdrive right now.

As always, schools are communicating with current parents, alumni parents, and prospective parents. However, during this increase in enrollment and...

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This One Thing is Damaging Your Brand Awareness 😮 Feb 08, 2021

Hi there! 

We're in Spring 2021 and we're seeing record numbers from enrollment and more interest from prospective families in small and independent schools. 

While this is an incredible opportunity for growth and engagement, this also means that we need to put in twice the...

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