Surprise & Delight 😊 Sep 17, 2022

The process of exceeding a customer's expectations to create a positive customer experience with your product or brand to improve loyalty.” - Hubspot

“Surprise and Delight” is actually a psychological principle. It’s human nature to want to reciprocate when...

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5 Ways to Integrate & Connect New Families at Your Private School Now Apr 16, 2022

 Hi there,

Let's talk about those new families that want to know about your school. How can we make them feel connected and integrate them into your community?  

I’ll tell you how…

1.) Invite them to your year-end celebration 

So if it's Spring and you have...

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One Question You Should Add to Your New Parent Surveys Mar 11, 2022

Hi there,

There is one question you need to add to your new parents’ surveys!

At ESM, we work with a lot of clients on developing surveys that are tailored especially to their community and one of the many surveys we offer is for new parents. We send this new parent survey out during...

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The Parent Perspective: The Key To Marketing Enrollment & Retention 🗝 Jan 28, 2022

 Hi there!

 Did you know that understanding the parent perspective is key to your marketing enrollment and retention at your school? 

The majority of those working in small schools are most likely wearing multiple hats, constantly busy - so it’s much easier to continue on as...

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