PLANuary: How School Leaders Successfully Combine their Love of Paper Planners With Technology Jan 01, 2024

In my two decades of experience working closely with school leaders, I've observed that paper planners continue to hold significant relevance in the professional lives of educators. Despite the prevalence of technology, I've noticed a common trend at conferences – many attendees prefer...

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5 Survey Best Practices for Small Schools Mar 24, 2023

I recently gave a presentation to the Seattle Archdiocese for Catholic Schools about surveys. Surveys are a great way to collect valuable information about your school community. It gives parents a way to help us help them. If you haven't been using surveys, or if you haven't been mindful about...

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The 3 Year Cycle in Marketing Development and Admissions Nov 12, 2022

So we're going to talk about the three-year cycle. Why is this important? Well, let me explain how this works.

When you are planning to launch a project or make significant changes, maybe you’re going to launch a new event, get rid of an event, or trying to reorganize things in a department...

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What You Have to Lose in 2021 Jan 02, 2021

Hi there,

Happy new year! We've made it to 2021. Now, it's time to get the ball rolling, because I'm here today to talk about what is at stake for this year in your school. 

What if I told you that your actions right now could cost you 10% in revenue this time next year and an increase in...

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It's PLAN-uary! (Best Planners for 2021) Jan 01, 2021

Hey there,

Welcome to PLAN-uary!

Yep, we've made it to 2021 and it's already time to set your new's years resolutions and start planning ahead for the year to come.

What better way to do that than talking about my favorite planners?

So, we have the Full Focus Planner and the Panda...

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5 Mistakes That are Killing Your Enrollment & Retention Efforts! Oct 19, 2020

Hi there! 

Spring 2021 is right around the corner, and NOW, more than ever, we need to be focused on enrollment and retention. 

So, today I have for you the top 5 mistakes that are killing all your efforts right now: 

1. You think you can do it ALL and are not ...

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