The Power of Review Sites & Google Business for Attracting Prospective Families Jul 28, 2023

Today, let's dive into a hot topic in the world of school marketing — the power of review sites and Google Business profiles! #SchoolMarketing #ReviewSites #GoogleBusiness

We all know that word-of-mouth plays a crucial role in attracting new families to our schools. Well, guess what?...

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How To Leverage Graduation & End-of-Year Events Apr 15, 2023

Graduation and end-of-year events are key community-building opportunities for current and new families as well as your wider community. Let’s discuss some ways to leverage these events to assist with your marketing and retention efforts.


  • Invite new families to graduation....
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Marketing Minutes: Surveys Oct 08, 2022

Today we're going to talk about new family surveys. Now, why new family surveys and feedback right now? Because this is a prime time to ask your new families about their experience. Usually, you're doing this between four to six weeks into the school year when things are still fresh in those new...

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New Family Retention for the End of the Year Oct 29, 2021

Hi there! 

Are you working on new family retention right now? Today I have a few tips that I urge you to implement now if you aren't already. 

1. Do a new parent survey. This gives parents an outlet to express their feedback, especially if it's anonymous. 

2. Parent/teacher...

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The 4 Keys 🔑 to Retention Sep 01, 2021

Hey there, 

Today we're diving into the exciting world of retention!

This is the time to focus on those retention efforts because, at the beginning of the school year, you're making first impressions for those new families, as well as maintaining relationships with returning...

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Why You Need to Engage Your Not-So-New Parents Aug 30, 2021

Hi there!

Let's talk about your not-so-new parents. You know what I'm talking about—those families who joined your school in 2020.

They're not necessarily new, but they have not yet gotten the true experience of your school. They might be familiar with some aspects of your school, but...

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5 Common New Family Mistakes Aug 25, 2021

Hey there, 

Today we're diving into 5 common new family mistakes. It's so important right now to be engaging your new families, providing extra support, and paying extra attention to all your new families, but you may be making a few of these key mistakes...

1. Assuming you haven't made a...

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The Importance of Setting Expectations & Modeling Aug 16, 2021

Hi friends, 

This is the time of year that it's so important to make sure you are setting expectations for your families. This is especially significant as safety protocols change and new families come in!

The biggest mistake that I see schools make is assuming that everyone knows what is...

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How To Keep New Families at Your School Jun 16, 2021

Hey there, 

Did you have an influx in enrollment last year? Are you wondering how you are going to keep all these new families? 

If so, this is the video for you! Even if you didn't see an increase in enrollment, these strategies will still help with your retention efforts. 


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3 Admissions Tips from Small School Leaders Jun 11, 2021

Hi friends!

Today I'm sharing some admissions & retention strategies to keep families at your school! These came from our most recent Small School Leaders meetup, where we heard some inspiring tips that you can use at your school. 

1. Shift the mindset. This means showcasing from the...

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